Welcome to Emerald Aquatics Masters!


If you can swim a length in the pool by yourself, you're ready for this group! We look forward to seeing you at the pool!


 New Swimmers

We offer a one week free trial – come to any of our practice times to try us out!

Email, call or text our Head Coach Emily Puleio: easwimcoach@gmail.com / 207-712-0123

To Join

After the trial week, and you wish to continue you will need to register with Emerald Aquatics.

All Emerald Aquatics Masters members need to be a current member of United States Masters Swimming (USMS) at an annual fee of $78.00 for insurance purposes. This is paid to USA Swimming, not EA and entitles you to be able to compete as well as show your card at other Master's clubs to swim with them while out of town.

If you are already a member of USMS, submit your USMS member number when you register for Emerald Aquatics.

All Emerald Aquatics Masters members will pay an Annual Registration Fee of $30.00 to Emerald Aquatics.

Emerald Aquatics offers three types of memberships:

Masters - $55/month - M/W/F/S at Echo Hollow/Amazon depending on time of year.

Saturday Masters- $22/month - only Saturday practices at Echo Hollow or Amazon depending on time of year.

College Masters - $51.50/month - any practice location and time.


 To begin registration, select the membership link below: